2015年7月22日 星期三

SCOM - Email notification may not work as expected if a time range is configured only with an exclusion

When using Systems Center Operations Manager , if you configure Notification Recipients  or Subscribers with the option of "Only send notification during the specified times" and you configure it with only an exclude range (like "Except from" with a time range of, say 1:00am to 7:00am for example), email notifications fail altogether.

In the Operations Manager event log you will also see the event below:
Log Name:      Operations Manager
Source:        Health Service Modules
Date:          <date> <time>
Event ID:      31501
Task Category: Notification
Level:         Warning
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      <RMS Server Name>
No primary recipients were specified for the notification or all recipients are unavailable according to the schedules. Notification will not be sent

One or more workflows were affected by this. 
Instance name: Alert Notification Subscription Server
Management group: <Mgmt Group Name>

So to keep this from happening, or to fix it if you’ve already found yourself in this situation, you need to configure the Recipient or Subscriber first with an included time range, then configure your excluded time range.

For example, first configure you include Range like Date  | Range = Always | Time Range = All Day | Weekdays = Week days. then once you have that, configure your Exclude Range like Data Range = Always | Time Range = Excluding 1:00am to 7:00am | Weekdays = Week Days. The screen shot below shows this configuration.

2015年7月15日 星期三

Rebuild the performance counters on Windows Server 2008

1. Open Elevated Command prompt on Server
2. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32
3. Run the command lodctr.exe /S:Backup_Perfcounter.INI    
4. This command is to take a backup of the current performance counters
    on the server
5. After the backup is taken please verify if the file “Backup_perfcounter.INI”
    is available in C:\Windows\System32 on the server
6. Once confirmed, please run the following command
    to rebuild the performance counters      
    lodctr.exe /R:PerfStringBackup.INI    
7. Please reboot the server in order to make sure that
     all the registry changes are implemented.