2016年4月26日 星期二

SCOM 2012 SP1,More than 5 asynchronous responses generates Event ID 21410

On the RMS use RegEdit to navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Modules

Under this key create a new subkey called Global

Under the new Global subkey create another subkey called Command Executer Under the Command Executer subkey

create a new DWORD value AsyncProcessLimit

For the value of AsyncProcessLimit you can set a minimum of 0x00000001 (Strongly not recommended)

and a maximum of 0x00000064 (100)

(again definitely not recommended).
So, if you wanted to increase the number of async command notifications from 5 to 10 the key would look like:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Modules\Global\Command Executer\AsyncProcessLimit


2016年4月21日 星期四

2016年4月20日 星期三





Step 1. 開啟任何一個資料夾,點擊左上角的「版面配置」,並從下拉式功能表中選擇「資料夾和搜尋選項」。

Step 2. 跳出「資料夾選項」對話盒後,切換到「檢視」頁籤,接著取消勾選「一律顯示圖示,不顯示縮圖」的選項,最後再點擊〔確定〕即可。

2016年4月18日 星期一

Device manager and network connections window blank

This issue would occur if the default permissions on the following key go missing: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root
The default permissions are as follows,
  • Creator owner  Full permission.
  • Everyone- Read only.
  • System Account  Full permission.
Open the registry editor and add back the above mentioned permission to the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root  key and then reboot the server.

Export SCOM Overrides

## You’ll need to run the script from within a SCOM console or load the SCOM Powershell module.
#define the path you want to export the CSV files to
$exportpath = "c:\admin\"
#gets all UNSEALED MAnagement PAcks
$mps = get-managementpack | where {$_.displayname -eq "Overrides.Microsoft.Exchange.2010"}
#loops thru them
foreach ($mp in $mps)
     $mpname = $mp.name
     Write-Host "Exporting Overrides info for Managemetn Pack: $mpname"
    #array to hold all overrides for this MP
     $MPRows = @()
    #Gets the actual override objects
     $overrides = $mp | get-override
    #loops thru those overrides in order to extract information from them
     foreach ($override in $overrides)
        #Prepares an object to hold the result
         $obj = new-object System.Management.Automation.PSObject
        #clear up variables from previous cycles.
         $overrideName = $null
         $overrideProperty = $null
         $overrideValue = $null
         $overrideContext = $null
         $overrideContextInstance = $null
         $overrideRuleMonitor = $null
        # give proper values to variables for this cycle. this is what we can then output.
         $overrideName = $override.Name
         $overrideProperty = $override.Property
         $overrideValue = $override.Value
         trap { $overrideContext = ""; continue } $overrideContext = $override.Context.GetElement().DisplayName
         trap { $overrideContextInstance = ""; continue } $overrideContextInstance = (Get-MonitoringObject -Id $override.ContextInstance).DisplayName
        if ($override.Monitor -ne $null){
             $overrideRuleMonitor = $override.Monitor.GetElement().DisplayName
         } elseif ($override.Discovery -ne $null){
             $overrideRuleMonitor = $override.Discovery.GetElement().DisplayName
         } else {
             $overrideRuleMonitor = $override.Rule.GetElement().DisplayName
        #fills the current object with those properties
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideName -value $overrideName -passthru
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideProperty -value $overrideProperty -passthru
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideValue -value $overrideValue -passthru
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideContext -value $overrideContext -passthru
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideContextInstance -value $overrideContextInstance -passthru
         $obj = $obj | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name overrideRuleMonitor -value $overrideRuleMonitor -passthru
        #adds this current override to the array
         $MPRows = $MPRows + $obj
    #exports to CSV
     $filename = $exportpath + $mp.name + ".csv"
     $MPRows | Export-Csv $filename

2016年4月11日 星期一

Hyper-V Installation Network Settings Reset

This issue occurred because of the SR-IOV feature enabled in the server's BIOS.
With certain HP hardware/drivers, this causes re-enumeration of the PCI devices when Hyper-V Role is installed.

To resolve the issue, the following steps can be performed:
A. Disable SR-IOV from HP's BIOS:
To disable SR-IOV in the UEFI ROM, complete the following steps:
1. During system boot, press F9 to run the System Utility.
2. Select System Configuration, and then press Enter.
3. Select BIOS/Platform Configuration (RBSU), and then press Enter.
4. Select Advanced Options, and then press Enter.
5. Select Advanced System ROM Options, and then press Enter.
6. Select SR-IOV, and then press Enter.
7. Select Disable, and then press Enter.
8. Press F10 to save.

B. Configure the NIC teaming and all other relevant configuration as required.

C. Install Hyper-V role and reboot.

Following information which might be relate:
DL 380 Gen8 with Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V Role NICS change