2017年5月24日 星期三

Windows 10 Shows Windows Vista on Windows Server 2008R2 WSUS

請在WSUSDB裡面執行以下的語法,會將所有的Windows 10 Client MachineOS Description 修改成Windows 10
UPDATE [SUSDB].[dbo].[tbComputerTargetDetail]
SET [OSDescription] = 'Windows 10'
WHERE [OSMajorVersion] = '10'
AND [OSMinorVersion] = '0'
AND [OldProductType] = '1'

AND ([OSDescription] <> 'Windows 10' or [OSDescription] IS NULL) 

2017年5月11日 星期四

Error 2912 (0x80070534) happened when a host was added to VMM.

The error occurred after the AD service account was renamed, and then the account mismatches with that in VMM registry.

1. Login to VMM server machine, and check the below registry:

     HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine manager Server\Setup\VMMerviceAccount

Please make note of the value.

2. Compare it with the account in AD side, and make sure they are matching.