1. Connect to the SCOM SQL server and open SQL Management studio
2. Right click on OperationsManager database and select new query
3. Run the following query in the right window to see the status of ALL computers in SCOM
SELECT * FROM dbo.[BasemanagedEntity] where FullName Like ‘%Windows.Computer%’
4. To see the status of a specific computer in SCOM (replace the text “fqdn” with the server name)
SELECT * FROM dbo.[BasemanagedEntity] where FullName Like ‘%Windows.Computer%’ and Name Like ‘%FQDN.of.my.computer%’
5. In the results scroll to the right to find the “IsDeleted” column.
0(Zero) means the database does not know the computer has been deleted.
If it is zero then we will run the next command to change it to 1 (one)
replace the text “fqdn” with the server name
UPDATE dbo.[BasemanagedEntity] SET IsDeleted = 1 where FullName Like ‘%Windows.Computer%’ and Name Like ‘%FQDN.of.my.computer%’