2018年12月17日 星期一

Error ID:33510, DPM Could not find a suitable disk storage with enough free space for data source in SCDPM 2016

And it’s OK, because System Center 2016 Data Protection Manager running on Windows Server 2016, only supports  the new DPM Modern Storage feature which uses ReFs formatted volumes instead of disks.  The volume(s) must not reside on a Windows Dynamic Disks, just a basic disk which should be GPT if the disk is 2TB or larger.  Add the volume(s) to the DPM storage pool, then protection can succeed.
For more info about adding storage to DPM 2016, click here.

2018年12月10日 星期一

Azure Backup,All Backup job Fail - DPM could not execute a WMI query(33507)

The issue is caused by an incompatibility between Trend Micro and the DPM filter driver.

Action Plan
When the antivirus was disabled MABS was able to create the Protection Group. But because running a server without an antivirus solution is not an option you can resolve the issue by adding the following registry key on any MABS server running with Trend Micro.
Add DWORD (32 bit)
BypassDPMfilter, vaule of 1