2014年4月28日 星期一

SCOM 2007 SP1,E-mail Notification Return Address Can Not Be Changed

The problem is when you have a Run As Account specified in the Notification Account Run As Profile, any changes made to the e-mail notification Return Address do not go in to affect even though it shows the new address when you go back into those Notification settings.
To remove the Run As Account.
1) Open the Administrator space in the Operations Console.
2) Administration --> Security --> Run As Profiles
3) In the Run As Accounts tab of the properties of the Notification Account Run As Profile, select the listed account(s) and select delete.
     (these are only necessary if we are authenticating to the mail server instead of using anonymous)

After the above steps you can set the Return Address as follows:
1) Open the Administrator space in the Operations Console.
2) Administration --> Settings --> Notification
3) In the E-mail tab of the Global Management Group Settings - Notification dialog box change the Return address box to whatever you want the e-mail to show as the sender of the notification.

