2015年2月3日 星期二

SCOM - ADMP "Client Monitoring" feature not working

AD Client Monitoring: AD Connectivity is unavailable, or the response is too slow

AD Client Pack DC discovery encountered an error some machines will not be monitored by the client pack

AD Client Monitoring: AD Connectivity is unavailable, or the response is too slow
Behavior as expected as the DC names are fetched from AD sites and services not from DNS.
The DC names are queried through “GetDCsForSite” and the information is pulled from Active Directory Sites and services when OMMDAS is installed it is an internal process and we need to do the following steps :
Site Discovery Mode: enter "3" (local site mode)

After you configured above overrides, you should see "MonitoredDCs.txt" generated under C:\Windows\temp folder on the AD clients computers. This file contains the DCs discovered and these DCs will be monitored, the file does not get created before the overrides.

