2015年3月10日 星期二

Getting event ID 64 with the event source CertificateServicesClient-AutoEnrollment

Event Source:  CertificateServicesClient-AutoEnrollment
Event ID:  64
Description:  Certificate for local system with Thumbprint [CERTIFICATE THUMBPRINT] is about to expire or already has expired.

It appears that the CA that issued the Server certificates had been removed from the network and these expired certificates where left in the local computer certificate store.

1.  Logon to the Server.
2.  Type in:  MMC
3.  Click on File menu option and select Add/Remove Snap-in.
4.  Select Certificate and click the Add button.
5.  Select Computer account, then Next.
6.  Click on Local Computer and click on the Finish button.
7.  Click the OK button.
8.  Once the certificates MMC is click on:  Certificates (Local Computer)\Personal

9.  Delete all the expired certificates. 

