Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 have a known issue
when they rebuild the WMI namespace. Specifically, both the removal MOF file
and the installation MOF file are processed when the standard mofcomp command
is issued to rebuild the WMI namespace. This can result in the installation MOF
file being processed before the removal MOF file is processed. When this
occurs, the WMI namespace is not present after the rebuild.
To resolve this issue use the following steps:
1. Open an elevated Command Prompt by right-clicking on the
shortcut to Command Prompt and choosing Run As Administrator on the host
2. Use the CD command to navigate to the
%windir%\System32\Wbem directory.
3. Run the following command:
for /f %x in ('dir /b *.mof ^| findstr /v /i uninstall') do
mofcomp %x
4. Return to the VMM Admin console and refresh the host
These steps rebuild the WMI repository on the host. After the next
host update in Virtual Machine Manager, the hosts should report that they are
in the Ready state.