2015年11月1日 星期日

How do Rejoin a Computer to the Domain without Losing it’s SID

There are a couple of ways do this:
  1. In AD right click the computer and select Reset Account. Then re-join without un-joining the computer to the domain. Reboot required.
  2. In an elevated command prompt type: dsmod computer “Computer DN” – reset. Then re-join without un-joining the computer to the domain. Reboot required.
  3. In an elevated command prompt type: netdom reset MachineName /domain DomainName /User0 UserName /Password0 {Password | *} The account whose credentials you provided must be a member of the local administrators group. No rejoin. No reboot.
  4. In an elevate command prompt type: nltest /Server:ServerName /SC_Reset:DomainDomainController  No rejoin. No reboot.

