2016年3月21日 星期一

How to capture Service Management Automation ETL Traces and Event log

1.Please collect the event log “Microsoft-ServiceManagementAutomation\Operational”.

2.You can also capture verbose logging as outlined here:
How to capture Service Management Automation ETL Traces

Service Management Automation has an ETL provider allowing the capture of verbose logging.  Follow the steps below on the SMA computer to capture ETL tracing:
  1. Open a Command Prompt using Run as administrator.
  2. Type logman start sma -p {2225E960-DE42-45EA-9940-DB3C9DC96AAF} -o SMAVerboseLog.etl -ets and press Enter.
  3. Reproduce the problem.
  4. Type logman stop sma -ets and press Enter.
  5. Type tracerpt SMAVerboseLog.etl -of xml -o SMAVerboseLog.xml and press Enter.
Review the resulting SMAVerboseLog.xml output file.
More Information
In the example above, the tracerpt application is called to convert the information from the ETL log into a XML format.  Another useful format is EVTX allowing the data to be viewed using Event Viewer.  The value of using the EVTX format is that you can apply filtering such as filtering on Event IDs or filter by only showing errors and warnings etc. 
To use EVTX format, the command would look like tracerpt SMAVerboseLog.etl -of EVTX -o SMAVerboseLog.evtx.  Run tracerpt /? for additional details on options that are available.
 Trace entries each have a level associated to them.  The levels are as follows:
Event Level
Fatal events
Error events
Warning events
Informational events
Verbose events

