2016年12月22日 星期四

Error in the following order: 12052, 12042, 12022, 12032, 12012, 12002, 13042.


When browsing through the event viewer logs on your Windows Update Services server, you notice the following Event IDs with a Level of Error in the following order: 12052, 12042, 12022, 12032, 12012, 12002, 13042.

Additionally, you can recreate these events by running the following command: wsusutil.exe checkhealth
Reconfigure the WSUS server via the wsusutil.exe command.

1.    Login to the WSUS server

2.    Open up a command prompt with Administrative rights

3.    Navigate to the Update Services\Tools directory.
       By default you can find it on your C drive by executing the following command
c:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools

4.    Execute one of the following commands
       If updates are configured for port 80 execute this command
       wsusutil.exe usecustomwebsite false

       If updates are configured for port 8530 execute this command
      wsusutil.exe usecustomwebsite true


5.    Execute the following command to verify the WSUS service is running correctly
       wsusutil.exe checkhealth

6.    You should see Event ID 10000 in event viewer confirming all is well

