2014年8月14日 星期四

Missing large amounts of free disk space

Went to the tools --> folder options--> checked hidden folders ---> unchecked hide all the OS folders.

On the drive there was a folder "System volume information".

From the following dir log file, I understand that some GUID {3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} files have been generated in the folder System Volume Information and occupying more disk space.

Went to the tools --> folder options--> checked hidden folders ---> unchecked hide all the OS folders.
On the drive there was a folder "System volume information".

Check the permission on System Volume Information folder. Permissions should be as follows:
Administrators : Full Control
Create Owner: Special Permission
System: Full Control

Delete the shadow copies on a computer using the below command:vssadmin delete shadows /all 

