2014年8月8日 星期五

SCOM -- Deleting a computer manually from the SCOM Database (Delete Agent on SCOM Console)

The customer find there are some machines which has been deleted on “agent managed”, but it still exist in the ‘monitoring’
We can set the field of these 2 machine in database to IsDeleted directly. But, please notice that it is a non-supported way. So, before you apply it, please ask for customer do a decision on apply it or not. If the customer want to apply it, they should take risk themselves.

1.    Get the TopLevelHostEntityId for the problematic machine.
We can run the SQL command line below:
Use OperationsManager

select * from MT_Computer, BaseManagedEntity
where MT_Computer.basemanagedEntityId = BaseManagedEntity.BaseManagedEntityId
and BaseManagedEntity.Name = '<computer name>'
 The <computer name> should be replaced by the FQDN name of the agent.
Here will return the TopLevelHostEntityId
         which we will use in the following actions.
2.    Query for TopLevelHostEntityId  get above and check the IsDeleted column from each row return.
Run the SQL command below:

Use OperationsManager
Select fullname, ismanaged, isdeleted from BaseManagedEntity where TopLevelHostEntityId = '<TopLevelHostEntityId get above>'

The < TopLevelHostEntityId get above> should be replaced by the TopLevelHostEntityId of Agent

Set to IsDeleted directly in database:

WARNING: The workaround need modify the data in database directly, it is a non-supported way and may has some potential risk in the future. So, please take the risk yourself. Otherwise, please do NOT apply the action below.

3.    If you find that the isdeleted column are not consistant or you want to force remove this computer. You can run the SQL query below:
Use OperationsManager
Update BaseManagedEntity Set Isdeleted=1 where TopLevelHostEntityId = '<TopLevelHostEntityId get above>'


After the customer do the work around, the issue is resolved now.

