2014年11月13日 星期四

SCOM : Getting an alert: hotfix is required for exchange 2010 management pack

Disable this monitor for all Servers and  target this alert only to Exchange servers. Follow the steps below to do that.
1.          Open SCOM Console and go to Authoring section.
2.          Select Monitors Node. Select the scope to “Health Service”.
3.          Search for “required SCOM hotfixes”
4.          Right click on “The required SCOM hotfixes for Exchange MP are not installed” monitor, Select Overrides –> Override this Monitor –> For all objects of class: Health Service.
5.          Check the box for Enabled and select False in Override Value column.  Optional: Select a custom management pack created by yourself on the bottom. Click OK to disable for monitor. 
6.          Right click on the same monitor again and select Overrides –> Override this Monitor –> For a Group..
7.          Type Exchange in the search box and select “Microsoft Exchange 2010 All Servers Computers” and click OK. 
8.          Monitor may be already enabled since we only selected Exchange servers only. You may change any alert priority or severity. Click OK.

