2014年11月5日 星期三

SCOM 2012: Management Servers might not reconnect to SQL after a SQL outage

After an instance of Microsoft SQL Server that hosts the OperationsManager database goes offline, the System Center Management service of the Microsoft System Center 2012 Operations Manager Service Pack 1 (SP1) management server stops responding.

To resolve this issue, you can enable the automatic recovery feature in System Center 2012 Operations Manager SP1. By default, this automatic recovery feature is disabled. 

To enable the automatic recovery feature on the management server, follow these steps:
1.     Start Registry Editor.
2.     Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\System Center\2010\Common\DAL
3.     Create the following two registry entries:
·         DALInitiateClearPool

Decimal value: 1
·         DALInitiateClearPoolSeconds

Decimal Value: 60

Note The DALInitiateClearPoolSeconds setting controls when the management server drops the current connection pool and when the management server tries to reestablish an SQL connection. We recommend that you set this setting to 60 seconds or more to avoid performance issues. 

4.     Restart the System Center Management service on the management server.

