2014年9月17日 星期三

SCOM 2007 R2,ACS grooming not working in production

-- Check your partitions:
Use OperationsManagerAC
SELECT * FROM dtPartition Order By PartitionCloseTime

1. There is a a DBDeletePartition.sql in the C:\windows\system32\security\Adtserver folder on the Collection server.
Replace the !g! with the GUID of the partition you want to delete, and run this on the sql server.
NOTE: Do not modify the copy in the adtserver folder directly. It is used by ACS only.

+ renamed !g! with partition name which needs to groomed manually.

* Partition !g!

* Call user defined stored procedure.

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'Delete') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
    execute spOnDeletePartition N'!g!'

* Drop partitioned tables.

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dvAll_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view dvAll_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dvAll5_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view dvAll5_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dvHeader_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view dvHeader_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dtEventData_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table dtEventData_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dtEvent_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table dtEvent_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dtPrincipal_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table dtPrincipal_!g!

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects
            where id = object_id(N'dtString_!g!') and
            objectproperty(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
    drop table dtString_!g!

* Delete entry from dtPartition for partition !g!

delete from dtPartition where PartitionId = N'!g!'

* Create or update dvAll, the view across all partition views

declare @iIsFirst int
declare @vchStmt nvarchar(max)
declare @vchPartitionId nchar(36)
declare cPartition cursor for
select top 42 PartitionId from dtPartition order by PartitionCloseTime desc

set @iIsFirst = 1
set @vchStmt = N'create view [AdtServer].dvAll as'

open cPartition
fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
while @@fetch_status = 0
    if @iIsFirst = 0
        set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' union all'
    set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' select * from dvAll_' + @vchPartitionId
    set @iIsFirst = 0
    fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
close cPartition
deallocate cPartition

if exists (
    select * from dbo.sysobjects where
        id = object_id(N'[AdtServer].dvAll') and
        objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view [AdtServer].dvAll

exec (@vchStmt)

* Create or update dvAll5, the view across all partition views limited to the first 5 strings

declare @iIsFirst int
declare @vchStmt nvarchar(max)
declare @vchPartitionId nchar(36)
declare cPartition cursor for
select top 42 PartitionId from dtPartition order by PartitionCloseTime desc

set @iIsFirst = 1
set @vchStmt = N'create view [AdtServer].dvAll5 as'

open cPartition
fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
while @@fetch_status = 0
    if @iIsFirst = 0
        set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' union all'
    set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' select * from dvAll5_' + @vchPartitionId
    set @iIsFirst = 0
    fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
close cPartition
deallocate cPartition

if exists (
    select * from dbo.sysobjects where
        id = object_id(N'[AdtServer].dvAll5') and
        objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view [AdtServer].dvAll5

exec (@vchStmt)

* Create or update dvHeader, the view across all partition views with no dtstring joins

declare @iIsFirst int
declare @vchStmt nvarchar(max)
declare @vchPartitionId nchar(36)
declare cPartition cursor for
select top 42 PartitionId from dtPartition order by PartitionCloseTime desc

set @iIsFirst = 1
set @vchStmt = N'create view [AdtServer].dvHeader as'

open cPartition
fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
while @@fetch_status = 0
    if @iIsFirst = 0
        set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' union all'
    set @vchStmt =  @vchStmt + N' select * from dvHeader_' + @vchPartitionId
    set @iIsFirst = 0
    fetch next from cPartition into @vchPartitionId
close cPartition
deallocate cPartition

if exists (
    select * from dbo.sysobjects where
        id = object_id(N'[AdtServer].dvHeader') and
        objectproperty(id, N'IsView') = 1)
    drop view [AdtServer].dvHeader

exec (@vchStmt)


2. Shrink DB ,Please run the following command:
use operationsmanagerAC
dbcc shrinkfile (fiAuditData)

