2014年9月18日 星期四

SCOM 2012, Discovery Wizard doesn’t work

The SCOM Discovery Wizard can run forever.

The SQL Broker is not running on SCOM DB , the Discovery Wizard will not function.

1.      Stop all SCOM Services on all MS
2.      Check to see whether the SQL Broker is running
- Open SQL Server Management Studio
- Select the right instance and the OperationsManager database
- Start a new query on the OperationsManager database:
   SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = 'OperationsManager'

If Value = 0 ->SQL Broker is disabled. Goto Step 2.
if Value = 1
->SQL Broker is enabled. All is OK.

3.      Enabling the SQL Broker on OperationsManager database
- Open SQL Server Management Studio
- Select the right instance and the OperationsManager database
- Start this query on the OperationsManager database:
- Click Execute
- Close SQL Server Management Studio.
Repeat Step 1 to check the SQL Broker is running now (value must be 1)
4.      Stop all SCOM Services on all MS

5.      You can discovery now. 

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