2014年5月3日 星期六




當你使用OpsMgr.​​NET Application Performance Monitoring模板來監控你的應用程序時,這個JavaScript會自動注入你的應用程序。

注意CSM不可能單獨開啟,當你運行.NET Application Performance Monitoring模板時Server-Side monitoring(服務器端監控)也必須開啟。 

.NET Application Performance Monitoring Template

The Client-Side Monitoring feature uses the Response.Filter property to monitor pages. If the application web page contains the ASP.NET substitution control, changing the Response.Filter property is prohibited.
The recommended solution for this issue is to exclude the identified pages from monitoring. See section “excluding pages from monitoring” in this post.

Webpage contains calls to the HttpWebResponse.Flush() method
Client-Side Monitoring uses the Response.Filter property for monitoring purposes. If your application code calls Response.Flush(), this could lead to incorrect responses returned to the browser. This is a warning of a possible compatibility issue, and the recommended solution is to change your application code.
Note that the application may still work even if you do not update your code. See section “What if I have incompatibilities that I cannot change or do not want to change in my application?”

Webpage contains calls to the HttpWebResponse.End() method
Client-Side Monitoring uses the Response.Filter property for monitoring purposes. If your application code calls Response.Flush(), this could lead to incorrect responses returned to the browser. This is a warning of a possible compatibility issue, and the recommended solution is to change your application code.
Note that the application may still work even if you do not update your code. See section “What if I have incompatibilities that I cannot change or do not want to change in my application?”

Client scripting code overrides standard objects or functions
If standard objects or functions are overridden, this may cause incompatibilities with Client-Side Monitoring. This is a warning of a possible compatibility issue.
There are 2 recommended solutions for this issue
  1. Exclude the identified pages from monitoring. See section “excluding pages from monitoring” in this post.
  2. Manually check application compatibility for the identified pages by following the steps in section “What if I have incompatibilities that I cannot change or do not want to change in my application?”

