2014年5月7日 星期三

When the IIS admin service is stopped, the error alert is captured by SCOM, but there is no notification mail is sent out.

When the IIS admin service is stopped, the error alert is captured by SCOM, but there is no notification mail is sent out.

Here is some information in the .xml of the IIS mp.

- <AlertSettings AlertMessage="Microsoft.Windows.InternetInformationServices.2003.WebSite.WebSiteStatusCheck.Monitor.AlertMessage">
- <AlertParameters>
- <DisplayString ElementID="Microsoft.Windows.InternetInformationServices.2003.WebSite.WebSiteStatusCheck.Monitor.AlertMessage">
Microsoft Windows Internet Information Services 2003 Web Site is Unavailable.</Name>
The Internet Information Services Web Site named {0} is unavailable as the site has been stopped.</Description>

It means this alert is a Error alert with Low priority.

The IIS service stopped alert is a error alert with ‘Low’ priority.
By default, the subscription in SCOM 2007 is only send notification for those errors with ‘High’ or ‘Medium’ priority.

1. Add IIS Sever Role in to the class.

2. Change the subscription’s setting to allow it send notification for ‘Low’ priority alert.

- Open SCOM 2007 Operation console.
- Go to Administration panel.
- Click ‘Administration -> Notifications -> Subscriptions’
- Double click a notification used to send notification.
- Go to the ‘Classes’ item.
- Add all IIS related class into it.
- Go to the ‘Alert Criteria’ item.
- Check ‘Low’ in ‘AND and checked priority’ field.
- Then ‘Next’ till finish.

