2014年5月3日 星期六

SCOM Monitor vs Rule

A monitor measures the health of some aspect of a managed object.

Monitors are used the check the health of an object. It would say if some component is Red, green or Yellow. Red means down, Green means OK and Yellow means warning. It would then go and resolve the alert automatically. It would also run a script, batch file or scheduled task if configured with one.  

Rules do not affect the health state of the target object.

A Rule contains one or more data sources, an optional condition and one or more responses.  
Rules are used when you wish to generate a report and report the status as well without affecting the health of an object.It means that it would check the status and let you know about the alert but it won't resolve it. You need to go and resolve the alert manually. In case of rule an alert is generated when the defined set of conditions are not met. 

