2014年7月4日 星期五

SCOM 2012 agent shows warning for Hyper-v 2012 host for 26004


SCOM 2012 agent shows warning for Hyper-v 2012 host 


Monitors in the Hyper-V 2008 MP Trying to access the event log which doesn't exist in Windows Server 2012


 Remoove Hyper-V 2008 MP

If you have deployed the Hyper-V 2008 management pack and have a mixture of Hyper-V 2008 and Hyper-V 2012 hosts in your environment, this is a false alarm.

1.In the SCOM Management console navigate to Authoring > Management Pack Objects > Monitors
2.Click Scope button at the top of the console, enter ‘Hyper-V’ > View All Targets > Select All > OK

3.In the Look for field enter ‘Connectivity’ > Find

4.For both ‘Port Connectivity’ and ‘Port Disconnectivity’ right click the Monitor > Overrides > Disable the monitor > For a specific object of class

5.You should see your Agent managed Hyper-V hosts, tick the 2012 Hyper-V Hosts > OK
6.Back to the Look for field enter ‘mounted drive’ > Find

7.Find the ‘Mounted Drive Read-Only’ monitor > Right click > Overrides > Disable the monitor > For a specific object of class

8.Select your 2012 Hyper-V hosts > OK

Disabled the following monitors for Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V servers
Port Connectivity Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.2008.VirtualNetwork.PortConnectionMonitor
Port Disconnectivity Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.2008.VirtualNetwork.PortDisconnectionMonitor
Static MAC Address Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.2008.VirtualNetworkAdapter.InvalidStaticAddressMonitor
Dynamic MAC Address Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.2008.VirtualNetworkAdapter.InvalidDynamicAddressMonitor
Mac Address Microsoft.Windows.HyperV.2008.VirtualNetworkAdapter.MacAddressAvailabilityMonitor

