2014年7月25日 星期五

SCOM 2012 – Reset Reporting Services

1. Uninstall the SCOM reporting component.
2. Copy the following two files from installation media \SupportTools\AMD64 to SQL reporting server.
3. Open an elevated command prompt and locate to the path where the two files above stored.
4. run ResetSRS.exe <reporting instance name> and use the account which has permission to reset the SQL reporting instance.
for example:
ResetSRS.exe MSSQLSERVER (default instance)
ResetSRS.exe Instancename (named instance)
5. After the reset, please logon to the reportserver URL for SCOM instance.
http://localhost/reportserver (default instance)
6. If you see a blank page without error, then you can reinstall SCOM reporting.
7. After the installation, please access the reportserver URL again which won’t return any errors.

